Weather in Colorado during the spring time can be a little unpredictable! We had to reschedule our session that was supposed to be a couple weeks before this one. What was supposed to be a beautiful weekend, quickly turned into a snowy, muddy, windy, and below freezing afternoon. We decided it would be a lot more enjoyable to try again in a few weeks….and I’m so glad we did! Everything at the lake has started to turn green and the river was at a high level!

Here’s the story of Monika and Leif from the couple themselves!

How did you guys meet?
“We met in middle school when Leif moved to the Upper Peninsula for a year (we even “dated” during that time). After that, we reconnected once I started going to college and I decided to invite him to visit my school so he could get an idea what college was like. The rest is kind of history. We have been together for 3.75 years.

How did he propose?
“It was just a few days before I was going to be leaving to go overseas for a couple of months so we decided to have one last date before that. It was after both of our shifts at the Tahquamenon Falls so we picked up some take-out and headed out to the Two-Hearted River on Lake Superior. I looked like a mess because of just getting done with work and the black flies being so bad out, but thats besides the point. I was facing the direction of the beach to put our blanket down and when I turned around he was on one knee. Funny thing, that day because the black flies decided to hatch I really tried to convince him not to go, but he was quite reluctant for good reason.”

Leif, what do you love about Monika?
“I love how sweet and sincerely kind Monika is. she always thinks about me whenever she makes a decision and always asks my opinion about whatever she is going to do. She makes plans better than anyone else I know and is always excited about whatever we are doing. She always checks in on me to make sure I am feeling good and she takes care of me when I’m sick. She has such a beautiful and genuine smile and she has the dorkiest laugh. I love how we always know what the other is thinking and feeling without saying a word. Most of all I love her endless patience and understanding for me.”

Monika, what do you love about Leif?
“I absolutely love how Leif is always open to new things. I feel like when we met I opened the door to a lot of crazy possibilities but he never ran away instead, he always welcomed the new ideas. He has seen me at my best and worst and no matter what he loves me the same. When I am the most anxious, he always knows how to calm me down. I can be a lot sometimes, but that has never phased him. Physically, I absolutely love his curly hair and cute freckles. I have stated that since day one. He has always supported me in my dreams and never has made me doubt myself in those decisions. That is something I love the most about him.”

Learn more about Colorado Springs Wedding Photographer, Kari Joy, by clicking here!

Learn more about Colorado Wedding Photographer, Kari Joy, by clicking here!

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