Liz and Matt were standing in the security line at the airport. Trying to play it cool Matt couldn’t help but feel nervous, and that’s when it happened. Liz reached for the shoes…NO!!
Liz and Matt on their way to Jamaica for a wedding and Matt knew he had to propose! The first obstacle; getting the ring to Jamaica without Liz knowing! They decided to share a packed bag for their trip, so hiding a ring would be really risky! He slid the ring under the insole of one of the shoes he had packed; a perfect hiding place. Or so he thought! In the security line Liz had to take the shoes out and put it through the x-ray machine. His heart pounding between the possibility that Liz notices a bump in the insole or that security is alerted by this object hidden in his shoe….

Luckily he got through security just fine! Now all he had to do was wait for the perfect moment. He knew he was going to wait until after the wedding. Then a day or two went by after the wedding and it was their last night on the beach! He’s getting more and more nervous as he is scoping out where he wants to propose, waiting and watching for the ideal scene to play out. BUT THOSE DARN TOURISTS! They kept getting in the way of where he wanted o propose! Finally he saw his window, he got down on one knee and asked Liz to marry him. She of course said yes and everyone on the beach cheered loudly and celebrated with them!

When I first met Matt and Liz at a coffee shop I was immediately drawn in by their incredible story telling skills! They told me about how Matt proposed and they had me on the edge of my seat from the very beginning! These two are SO authentic and genuine, and it’s evident they love and care for one another deeply. I can’t wait for your wedding!
