Hey Brides and Grooms!
Are you super excited for your wedding day? You’ve been thinking about what everything will look like from the venue decorations to the dress! Maybe you’ve also daydreamed of what your wedding photos will look like. Are you worried you might look bad in your wedding photos? You’re in the right place! I’m going to be covering some VERY important things you MUST do to guarantee you will look your best in your wedding photos and LOVE how they look!

- This might seem like an obvious one – but you should invest in a seasoned photographer.
Find someone you trust – whose work you love! They will know how to instruct and pose you so you look your best! If you’re looking through their gallery and you think “Geeze all these couples look like models” you should hire that photographer! Those are all likely REAL couples that your photographer captured in a way that made them look like pros!
- Send you photographer a couple photos of the two of you that you LOVE.
This will help your photographer get an idea of what you view as a “good photo” of you. We tend to be our own worst critics but it’s okay to be particular about how we look! This will give your photographer a reference photo of how you like to be photographed.
- Do an engagement session
This will help you get comfortable with you photographer and being in front of the camera. Then you’ll be able to relax when you see how the photos turn out and get excited for you wedding photos! You’ll get used to the poses and be able to relax and enjoy being married on your wedding day not wondering if you’ll love the photos
Things YOU can do ahead of time
- Hair and make up trial
- Whiten your teeth!
I use BRYNT smile and it works amazing and it’s great for sensitive teeth too! Use code: KARIJOYFUL for 25% off BRYNT at check out! (this is an affiliate link and I may earn commission!)
- Choose attire that fits you well and that you LOVE how you look in it. If you don’t like how you look before – then you likely wont like how you look in photos
- Don’t practice too much – you’ll over think it. The best models are ones that don’t try to do their own thing but allow the photographer to guide and direct them. They can see you – even if it feels weird they are making sure you look good. You can’t see how you look when you’re posed – so trust your photographer don’t go rouge!
- Tan with caution – okay Colorado brides I’m talking to you! I know how pale our skin can get in the winter. Please use extreme caution and if you must tan do it well in advance to allow time to fix any mishap that may occur.
Things YOU can Do during your photoshoot:
- Bring a touch up kit for make up
- Do you have a “side” you prefer…tell your photographer. Otherwise they’ll likely pose you with your left side facing the camera to show off your ring!
- Make sure your partner is paying attention to your hair and possible fly aways or any wardrobe malfunction (If an article of clothing has a malfunction – choose a different outfit. If this is not possible make sure to tell your photographer about it so they can be aware (ei: Your bra shows in your dress when you lean certain ways)
Your photographer should be taking the lead on this. It’s important to choose a photographer that knows how to find the most flattering angles of others while capturing authentic moments – this takes years to master! But when you find a photographer who can do this – you can trust them to ensure you look your best!
- Smile with mouth slightly open – this will help your smile appear more candid and less cheesy
- MAKE EACH OTHER LAUGH for REAL! Be goofy and get real laughs, you’ll know the difference! (Lean forward slightly to avoid double chin when laughing)
- Don’t press your arms tightly against your body, it’s more faltering and sliming to create a little space between your arm and your torso
Lastly and most importantly, to look good in your wedding photos RELAX and BE IN THE MOMENT
Soak up every minute of this time with your new husband or wife!! You’re married and you’re taking your wedding photos…..what?!! That is so exciting! So soak up every moment and breathe it all in deeply. Enjoy this time and be in the moment and trust me….that will always translate on camera!
Photos remind us not just of a moment but of what we felt in that moment! What did it feel like to marry someone you love so deeply? Someone you trust your life with? Someone you can’t wait to wake up next to every morning? That is truly why a picture is worth a thousand words!
When you look back on your photos you won’t just see photos of you getting married – but photos that convey what it FELT like to get married!! That is what I aim to capture in the photos I take of my couples. If this sounds like the kind of photographer you are looking for to capture your wedding day I’d love to talk more! Send me a message, I’d love to set up a time to connect!
Happy Wedding Planning!
Kari Joy