Kyle and I are headed to New Zealand! We leave Thursday afternoon from Denver and will arrive Saturday afternoon in Queenstown! Our longest flight is from Houston to Sydney with 18 hours of air time! This flight is 5 hours longer than the longest flight I’ve ever been on. I decided to do a little research to see how I should spend my time and I thought I would share it with you all.
The first thing I decided to tackle was my mindset about the flight. I was getting worried I would be incredible bored so I decided to try and find activities that I’m excited about. I found some things that previously I thought, “I would love to do that, but I never have the time. And if I do have the time I want to relax!” Anyone else know what I’m talking about? Along with this, I decided to view this particularly long flight as a sick/snow day I get to take with Kyle. Although we will be without our puppy cuddles and comfy couch, I could make do!
The Essentials:
Travel Pillow – We tried out the top two travel pillows on Amazon. One is inflatable and straps you in so you don’t fall forward. The other looks like the rear end of a stuffed elephant animal bottom. But a place to rest your head is essential
Blanket – Or in my case, blanket scarf! It’s soft and warm but also practical. It takes up no space in my backpack because I can wear it!

Camera – Because I never check my camera in a bag
Compression Socks – The last time I had a long flight my feet swelled up and ached! I was also only 19!! I’m hoping these socks will prevent that from happening again.
An extra outfit – you never know what could happen! Maybe your luggage gets lost, or someone throws up on you. Just be prepared and have an extra outfit

Emergen C – Or anything that boosts your immune system. Kyle and I take this before and after each flight and swear by it! You’re traveling with all those germs, it’s best to boost!
The Entertainment:
Laptop loaded with movies – We decided to download the Harry Potter series. (Which we got into very late in life. ha!) This would be great to download a movie series or TV shows you want to binge watch!

Calligraphy books – This is something I wanted to get into last summer but rarely carved out the time to practice. I’m super excited to actually have some free time to work on my modern calligraphy skills!
Coloring Book For Adults – No this is not as weird as it sounds. I got some vibrant colored pencils and a coloring book for grown ups. Mine has fun quotes and bible verses in it. This is an activity I always thought sounded relaxing but never thought to try it…until now!!
Sudoku – A classic game to get my brain stimulated. It’s important to have some activities that aren’t on your phone or computer to give your eyes a break (and not all flights will have electrical outlets)
Knitting a blanket – I personally don’t have the patience for this, but I know a lot of people who’ve commented that they would love to learn how to knit a blanket or scarf. Now’s the time!
People Watch – Go roam around the plane and see how people are entertaining themselves. Maybe even make a game of it and have a checklist of items you have to take a photo of. First person to get them all wins! (ei: anything leopard print, someone sleeping with their mouth open, most unusual headrest)

Face mask – This one is refreshing! Even when I’m on a four or five hour flight my skin gets oily. I’m excited to do some face masks to kill time and keep me refreshed!
Airplane Mode Apps – So you might laugh but I spent a good amount of time downloading and testing various games in the app store. The trick was also to find ones that could be used in airplane mode.
Also remember packing with a friend is always more fun…

I hope if you find yourself on a long plane ride in their near future that some of these tips were helpful to you! My best advise would be to find an activity that you are excited to do! And don’t do it early, wait until your plane ride!