South Colorado (not Southern)

I’ve been wanting to go to Telluride all year! I’m sure Kyle got sick of hearing me talk about it and then showing him pictures right after. The goal was to prove to him a 6 1/2 hour drive would be worth the short stay in such a gorgeous place! Finally we got the time off of work and the chance to make it happen. Scotty (Kyle’s childhood friend from Florida) was staying with us for a week and that Thursday we met up with the Orange’s in Gunnison. It was awesome getting to spend this time with them before they continue living out their dream of traveling the world!
We left early the next morning to Telluride! It was overcast but we prayed for good weather and jokingly “blew” the clouds away. It was very childish but it felt good to do so as everyone fully embraced it and joined in. And it worked! First we visited Bridal Veil Falls. Colorado’s tallest free falling waterfall!
Bridal Veil Falls, Telluride
Then we started our hike to the Blue Lakes, In Mount Sneffles Wilderness. Man was it gorgeous! I was a little bummed the clouds were covering the tops of the rugged mountaintop but it added a cool mood. Colorado is beautful!
Mount Sneffels Mountain Range

We only hiked to the first blue lake, because it was getting dark soon! We got most of the way down before it got too dark. My “night blindness” made it difficult to see and not trip but we managed okay!
Blue Lakes

The next day we went to Crested Butte. It was a great last hurray before the Orange’s left Colorado (for now)
Crested Butte
See you soon Orange’s…
